Before your big interview, it’s always recommended that you prepare. While many of these tips are covered in other posts, here’s a quick recap:
- Research the company
- Review the job description and create talking points
- Consider general responses to common questions
- Prepare your attire and know the route to your interview
In addition to these interview pointers, having a great interview and making a lasting impression also has a lot to do with your charisma and use of time. This post will discuss how to demonstrate these qualities throughout the interview to make a great first impression that could help lead to a job offer.
How Can You Go From Interview to Job Offer?
Three Parts of the Interview
In the Beginning…
While the bulk of the interview is to come, you begin to make a first impression immediately. Be articulate, approachable, and courageous from the beginning to help you stand apart from other candidates. Here are things to consider:
- Clearly communicate your goals and professional purpose
- Discuss what you’d like to learn about the company and the position
- Learn about the challenges and the expectations of the employer and how this role will face them
Keep the Interview Running Smoothly…
The interviewer is supposed to conduct the interview. However, when you have relevant questions, don’t be afraid to ask them. Taking the initiative to ask questions shows that you’re confident and proactive. When you can keep the conversation more like a natural and genuine dialogue, you will find yourself becoming more comfortable and your interviewer will likely feel the same way. These are some questions you may want to ask:
- How many others are on the team and what are their top skills?
- What do you think the top attributes are for this role?
- What is the current status of this project?
- What is the timeline of this project?
- What are opportunities for growth within the company?
Time to Close the Interview…
Don’t shy away from what this interview is all about – being hired. When the interview comes to a close, don’t be afraid to ask one final question: “From what we’ve discussed, do you feel I am a good fit for the job?” To be so direct may seem awkward, but it also shows confidence. If you’ve demonstrated your abilities in the interview and you feel this will be a good fit for you, then there’s hardly a reason why you shouldn’t ask the question. Ultimately, the interviewer’s response will help you get a feeling as to whether you’ll get the offer or not.
If the interviewer seems to respond positively to this question, you can follow up by asking about what the next steps are in the hiring process. Basically, the end of the interview is a great time for you to reiterate your sincerity in the opportunity and also gain a better understanding of what your timeline may be like for starting a new job.
Receive a Promising Job Offer for a Job You Want
If you need help finding the right job for your career, contact the professionals at Expert Staffing. They can help you find the right opportunity so you can get the right offer right away.