Employee retention can be highly valuable to your business. It can take from two to three times an employee’s salary to replace them, factoring in employee search, interviewing, and training a new employee. In the meantime, the productivity of departments and companies can be severely affected by being down in headcount.
It stands to reason, then, that you want to know what makes valuable employees quit. Once you know, you can change those elements, to make employees more prone to stay. While you should always keep in touch with individual employees enough to assess whether they are happy or not, the following can be pain points for any employee.
Lack of Recognition
This is a broad category because it can encompass several factors. It is about adequate recognition for an employee’s work, including rewards such as raises and level of salary. Believe us, if employees feel they can be more recognized monetarily at companies in your area, they are likely to go there. Your company needs to at least stay competitive on salary.
But lack of recognition can also mean not showing appreciation or gratitude for their work. Be sure to express to your employees how much you appreciate their effort.
Poor Relationship With their Boss
A poor – or even just subpar– relationship with a boss is enough to make employees quit. Leave-worthy relationships could be lukewarm or indifferent, where an employee feels that a promotion is unlikely to occur. Or an employee may feel underappreciated.
Be sure that your direct reports feel that you understand their need to be appreciated and progress in their careers.
Unchallenging Work
If employees feel bored or unchallenged by their work, they are likely to leave. It’s as simple as that.
If an employee has a new or improved skill, build in opportunities to use it. If your team must perform tasks that everyone agrees are boring or unchallenging, don’t overload one specific person with them. One strategy is to make certain tasks like this are shared equally and explain why.
Opportunities to Use their Skills and Abilities
While this pain point is somewhat related to unchallenging work, it’s significantly different enough to warrant its own category. If an employee is hired for skills and abilities they don’t get the opportunity to use, they can become frustrated with their position.
Say you’ve hired a web designer, intending, to freshen your online presence. If your immediate needs run more to basic website maintenance, the employee may feel they’ve hit a wall at your company. Make sure they don’t feel that way!
Help With Hiring in Today’s Environment
Expert Staffing can work with you to provide the industry’s most comprehensive recruitment strategies. To find out how to use our services to connect with fantastic candidates in your industry, contact a consultant today.